Use your physical body and the sound vibration of Sa Ta Na Ma (infinity, life, death, rebirth) to bring your whole self to a place where Shuniya (ego stillness) is possible, this is the most elevated state of consciousness, your Infinity!
The exercises and mediations we will do are quite practical for our modern and stressful times. We can practice our way into our true nature that responds with grace and steadiness instead of reaction to fluctuating emotions. Our true nature is flowing, intuitive, soulful, neutral, sensual, accepting, and allowing. There is no judgment, expectation, opinion, pushing, or intellectualism.
“There is no miracle. The mind is infinite when it concentrates the magnetic energy of the psyche. There are only two things: energy and matter. Any composition, permutation of any energy into matter and matter into energy, can be caused by a disciplined mental concentration. That mental concentration is in you, it is not outside.” -Yogi Bhajan
Each Kundalini class includes physical activitity, sound vibrations,
relaxation, and active meditations. Physical actions may resemble
Hatha yoga postures, aerobic exercises, or dancing! Sound vibrations,
mantra, may be listened to or chanted. Mediations generally involve arm
or hand postures along with specific breathing, chanting, or eye focus.
Most of all, you will have fun!